Mommy Matters blew me away. It truly was the most unexpected way for me to fulfill my life long goal of creating a deliberate and functional collaboration between Natural and Western Medicine. I’ve had this goal since I was a teenager but had no idea it would come about in this way. When I was a teenager, having kids did not interest me. In my 20s, nothing in me was interested in staying at home with a baby for a year or two. It didn’t even interest me when I turned 30. It wasn't till later that it became important to me. It’s funny how the universe will bring you the dreams and success you wish for in ways you didn’t expect. Including my toddler, who is the bestest person that has ever happened to me. I can’t imagine not being a mom now and I am so grateful that I got to be one.
On to May 25th, 2019... I was overwhelmed when it was all finished. Almost in shock. Not in shock that it was a success, or that the feedback was so good – although those things were very exciting. I was in shock that it had been so easy. It was just an idea I had. It just so happened that I found the right people to tell that idea to, (Ashley who told me to also tell Kaylee) then I told a few others, and then we had a group a meeting at the back room at Kopper Kettle to see if we were all on the same page, and then we made it happen. That would have all been perfect enough, but then something even bigger happened. Almost the entire healthcare community hopped on board. They were excited that we were filling a need. I think Phylis will forgive me for saying that it seemed that Public Health almost jumped up and down in their office about it ;) because, hey, who doesn’t want to help a new mom out a little? The better mama does, the better baby does. I had the idea, yes, but there is no way on god’s green earth it would have happened without Ashley. Taking the lead at time when I was overwhelmed with other things, Ashley made some things happen, she created social media posts and towed the boat of momentum so we could maintain it. She was the one who sent out an email to some local businesses to see if they wanted to help us do something nice for moms – and boy did they answer! We started getting offers of gifts for our moms from small businesses that we had not even approached.
Our event sold out so we released a few more tickets to make sure we didn’t turn anyone away. The venue we used was incredibly gracious. Despite that fact that Mommy Matters is not a faith-based event, the Alliance Church still opened their doors for us because they saw it would be a gift to community, and they were very much into helping that happen.
If Mommy Matters was a sign of things to come from The Avocado Lady and from our Healthcare Community of professionals and business owners, just imagine what else we can do! There’s already more planning happening of course. With more announcements in the coming months.
So, with all that in mind, my @mommymatters2019 team and I would like to thank the following people, organizations and local businesses for their effort, generosity, time and encouragement, it just wouldn’t have been as amazing without you.
And there are even more local businesses to thank!!!.....
A big hug to local media – to The Winkler-Morden Voice and The Morden Times and Pembina Valley Online for letting our community know what we are doing, thank you sooooo much! And much gratitude to Winkler-Morden Co-op for donating fruit and cookies for everyone (this community can always count on you!) and to Coffee Culture Morden for a rather massive discount on our coffee! Thank you!
Last, but not least, to my team, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I can't wait to do this again in 100 different ways. (You can read about our beautiful team @mommymatters2019)
With so much love and gratitude,
The Avocado Lady
#mommymatters #communityovercompetition #supportmommy #postpartumsupport #PPD #realstories #realmoms #cooperativehealthcare #midwifery #publichealth #westernmedicine #naturalmedicine #chinesemedicine #massagetherapy #physiotherapy #naturopathicdoctor #medicaldoctor #doula #nutritionaltherapy #pelvicfloortherapy #breastfeeding #bottlefeeding #fedbabyisbest #bringingthevillageback #counselling #supportforlife

Top, left to right
Linda Menzies, Morden Massage Therapy, Dr. Andrew Bryk, ND, The Whole Avocado
Dr. Jocelyne Rondeau, MD, Phylis Kroeker, Public Health Nurse, Southern Health
Bottom, Left to right
Brianne, Fortier-Turner, Midwife, Southern Health, Kaylee Meakin, RMT & Doula, Sonia Funk, The Whole Avocado, Ashley Froese, Morden Physiotherapy, Babby Penner, With Women Doula Collective, Kari Kauenhofen