I believe I have perfected these.
They might give my famous Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies a run for their butter.
I’ll be posting a few recipes over the next few months. Be sure to sign up for my email list on this site to be notified when I post. (I don’t send a ton of emails. 1-2 a month when it’s busy, less when it’s not.)
The Whole Avocado’s Double Chocolate Cookies
1 cup of unsalted butter
2 Tbs of Virgin Coconut Oil
1 Cup of CocoCamino Whole Brown Sugar
4 Eggs
2.5 tsp Vanilla
1.5 cups of Whole Spelt Flour
½ cup of White Spelt Flour
1 Tsp Baking Soda
2 cups of Chocolate Chips
¾ cup pecan or almond meal
Making and Baking
*Slowly melt 1 cup of unsalted butter with 2 Tbs of Virgin Coconut Oil (make sure it is just warm, not hot before proceeding)
*In separate bowl combine 1.5 cups of Whole Spelt Flour, ½ cup of White Spelt Flour and 1 Tsp Baking Soda.
*In a large mixing bowl beat in 1 Cup of CocoCamino Whole Brown Sugar and 4 Eggs and 2.5 tsp Vanilla. I use a hand blender on low. Add in the warm oil blend and beat again on medium speed until ‘soupy’ in texture.
*With hand blender on low, slowly add in ¾ cup of cocoa until blended and then slowly add in the dry ingredients until uniform.
*Last but not least, blend in 2 cups of Chocolate Chips
*Cover cookie dough and refrigerate for two hours.
*Preheat oven to 350F
*Using a 1oz scoop, place balls on parchment paper. Flatten with fingers. Bake at 350 for 6-7 min, depending if you want them a bit chewy or not. Or, if coating with Pecan or Almond meal, press into flour on both sides and make sure edges are also covered. Bake for 7-8 min.
With Pecan Meal (icing sugar if you want them prettier)
My personal preference is to under-bake these cookies a bit and freeze them right away. This leaves them very rich and soft when you warm them up later. If you prefer a less chewy, more cake-y cookie, then bake them the full minutes. You’re on your own for crunchy, I don’t know how long… :)
For the sake of daycare, I leave the nut meal out of the recipe and add later. Plus the crumbly bit of crunch is kinda nice. I will bake half of the recipe as is, so it’s daycare safe. After they are packed away I take out the pecan meal and bake the rest.
That's what I've got for today. If you've been following me for a while you know I took a 3 month break from social media, just coming back now.
While away I created a new wellness company with my new business parter, Sylvia Marusyk. You can see what we have built, and continue to build as needs become evident, at our landing page here: "SurThrival of the Fittest". Or follow our company page on Linkedin.
What exactly is this thing you ask?
"SurThrival of the Fittest" is a wellness recovery system designed to support companies as they navigate post-2020 repair and restoration. It's exciting.
Talk to ya soon!
#chocolate #chocolatecookie #chocolateforlife #realchocolateisfood #healthyrecipe #healthy baking #nutritionistrecipes #nutritionaltherapy #daycaresnacks #cookiesfordaycare #daycarerecipes